Special School

Special School

The School of Special Education is founded on the belief that each student at our school is unique, with his or her own set of strengths and limitations, as well as abilities and potential. As a result, each student at our school has his or her own Individual Education Plan, which is based on his or her academic, social, emotional, and physical needs.

We work hard to help each student develop effective learning and coping abilities, as well as the self-confidence to take on new tasks and live as independently as possible. Students who require ongoing occupational, physical, or speech therapy, as well as behaviour management, get these services during the school hours.

Our goal is to assist students in achieving academic literacy in at least one language, as well as the arithmetic skills to manage their finances. In addition, their IEP targets six other areas of daily life skills.

Cognitive skills

Perception, attention, memory, imagery, developmental processes, and problem-solving are all examples of mental activities and functions which progress when we work on the cognitive skills.

Fine motor development

The development of skills including the use of hands and fingers, controlled manipulation of them, and cooperative use of both hands.

Self Help Skills

These include the skills necessary for independent functioning, such as feeding, toilet training, washing and dressing.

Gross motor development

The development of control over the larger muscles of the body, with particular focus on developing muscle strength, energy, balance and poise.

Personal and social skills

Activities are used to teach advanced skills and concepts that promote social behavior and interaction.

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As part of our Welfare Program, we seek financial support to provide our services to the needy and increase the social impact of our initiative.